Duino:Burgo paper-mill, new line no. 3 (TS))

Duino:Burgo paper-mill, new line no. 3 (TS))

Duino:Burgo paper-mill, new line no. 3 (TS) Layout: Comecart- Milan Facades of E-5 and E-8 architecture
Structural Project : P.S.P
It is the settlement of a new paper- manufacture line , in a highly yielding , already existing factory ; the produced glazed paper might be 240.000 metric tons every year. It has consequently been necessary to create several buildings for the various activities related to the paper production. Besides the E-5 building for the "paper-machine" and for the "coater-machine", there are other various buildings like building E-10 paper warehouse, building E-7 cylinder warehouse, building E-9 spare parts warehouse, buildings E-4 and E-6 for the mixture preparation , building E-13 effluent treatment, building E-8 calenders and winder. All the buildings are situated on a large, almost marshy area that has serious subsidence problems, that have been solved through suitable poles drilled in the rocks that are at about 50 meters depth, and through) 20 meters bored long piles , in gravel layer. All the buildings' structures are made of precast reinforced concrete in the raising part , except the machines' supports, the bases, the small tanks and some tanks, made of traditional reinforced concrete. The precast parts requested a special planning , becoming completely out of the standard that can be found commercially , because of the lenght of the relevant structural elements and also because of the considerable static and dynamic actions they will be subjected to. The form-works for their manufacture have purposely been built. The resarches of the evolution in time of the different foreseen subsidence of the foundation poles have been of great importance for the structural elements' creation. This has been possible through the research and the study of the ground and of its interaction with the structures above, in 125mm. A special care was needed to plan the bonds of Crane beams and rails, of the 30 meters light and of the 80 (metric ) tons capacity for their coming necessary altimetrical alignment.